Sunday, June 27, 2010

I've Arrived

My first few weeks were a blur of trying to convince myself that I was really in Germany and trying to get my body adjusted to the time difference. Staying up the first day you arrive definitely helps but it doesn't solve the problem of jet-lag completely. I had a roommate for the first two weeks by the name of Marlon. He is in the air force and worked with Hans (who I was renting from). He had been over here for a few months, but was returning to the states in another two months. I bring this up because having him around made my life much easier. He would pick up food from the commissary and cook dinner each night. He showed me the ropes about living in Germany and also about getting around on base. It was the perfect situation. I lived in Landstuhl, Germany which is where the hospital is, so since I didn't have a car, the location was very convenient. After I passed my driving test (written) I was able to rent a mini cooper to drive around. After about two weeks I moved into a larger house, one that will accommodate me and my family, once they get here. This new house was in Queidersbach and was close to the hospital, at least by car. I made it to church and made many new acquaintances. It is so nice to go anywhere in this world and be able to hook up with the local ward and feel like you are family. For the first few weeks I didn't do much. I hiked up to a castle called Burg Nanstein just above my old house in Landstuhl. I tried to go to Heidelberg with a coworker but got caught in a stau (traffic jam) for 2.5 hours and only made it 5km. We quickly decided it wasn't worth our time so that put an end to that little adventure. I kept busy looking for houses that would fit our needs. It is crazy, like a feeding frenzy, when it comes to finding a house. The ad for the house goes out and people come in droves to look at it. So if I drug me feet at all the house was gone. I wasn't feeling pressured yet since we have three months to find a house.


  1. Rob this was so interesting. We hope that you and Sharma will add to this or email us each week and tell us about your adventure for that week. We want to follow what you are doing and pretend we are there with you. We love you all.
    We thought this would have pictures. We haven't seen any pictures yet just of McKay at the Alps. Don't get on facebook much.

  2. Brother Rob. Miss you and the family, great fun to read your blog. Many good memories shared with the Shumates and look forward to making a European memory. If Stace had her way it would be immediately. I'm still in shock, or at least my wallet is in shock, preparing for Ali's reception. Might have to save a few more pennies before we book a flight. Well, as always, our all the best and lots of love to our friends living the dream ... abroad in Europe. Talk to you soon. John and Stace
